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Serra et al. 2014

'Reason for Hope'

Reintroduction of the Northern  Bald Ibis in Europe

Serra et al. 2014

Serra G, Lindsell JA, Peske L, Fritz J, Bowden, CGR, Bruschini C, Welch G, Tavares J & Wondafrash M. 2014.

Accounting for the low survival of the Critically Endangered northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita on a major migratory flyway.

Oryx, 49: 312-320

The poor survival rate of immature northern bald ibises Geronticus eremita during their first years spent outside the natal site is driving the last known wild colony of the migratory eastern population to extinction. To inform emergency conservation action for this Critically Endangered species we investigated the distribution range and behaviour of immature birds in passage and wintering areas, and the threats to which they are subject. 

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