Precedent case in Italy
Newsletter 06/06/2017
Almost five years ago, two critically endangered Northern Bald Ibises, GOJA and JEDI, were shot by an Italian bird hunter in the province of Livorno, just 80 km north of their wintering site.
In September 2016, the hunter was sentenced to a fine of 2.000 Euro and his hunting license was withdrawn. But he appealed. On June 1 2017, the Supreme Court confirmed the condemnation and thus created a unique and essential precedent in the fight against illegal bird hunting.
This condemnation, even at the Supreme Court, is one of the greatest achievements in the LIFE+ reintroduction project. It makes the Northern Bald Ibis to a flagship species against illegal bird hunting. This also paves the way for a civil damages claim.
The case of GOJA and JEDI attracted much public attention. It also sensitized the hunting associations, since the condemned poacher was a member of the largest Italian hunting association. The proven cases of poaching damage the reputation of the hunting associations and endanger their interests. This is probably a major reason for the increasing support from the Italian hunting associations for our LIFE+ reintroduction project.
Nevertheless, in the autumn of 2016, five more Northern Bald Ibises were shot in Italy. This shows the importance and timeliness of the judgment. But further joint efforts are required. Together with our partners, we intensively strive to identify and accuse further perpetrators. This includes the establishment and training of a task force along the migration route in Italy, as well as the development of technical equipment which, in the case of accidents, immediately transmits the position of the respective bird. We are also committed to changes in legislation, for example to prevent the possibility for a perpetrator to avoid a criminal case by paying a minor fine.
In May 2017, the Italian authorities published a National Action Plan to combat offenses against wild birds. The implementation of this action plan coincides with the interests and initiatives of the LIFE+ project. These measures against illegal bird hunting are important contributions to ensure a sustainable survival of the Northern Bald Ibis and other endangered bird species.
Picture: Northern Bald Ibises during migration. According to the motto of the LIFE + project, there is "Reason for Hope".
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