Local partners: Land Salzburg
Coordinates: 47°38'3.76"N, 13° 9'29.69"E
The province Salzburg is one of the best-known historical breeding areas of Northern Bald Ibises in Europe; a colony on the “Mönchsberg” is often mentioned. Unfortunately, a reintroduction at this site isn´t possible any more, but the region offers other suitable breeding habitats with steep cliffs.
In 2011, the first human-led migration was conducted from Anif (Salzburg) to Tuscany. In 2013, the first birds returned independently from the wintering area to Anif.
In 2014, Northern Bald Ibises returned to Salzburg, too. They were relocated to the aviary at Georgenberg/Kuchl. The “Georgenberg” is an isolated cliff at the valley of Salzach, about 15 km to the south of the city Salzburg. The cliff with its numerous niches resembles the “Mönchsberg”, which was home to one of Europe´s largest Northern Bald Ibis colonies until the Middle Ages.
The first successful breeding at Georgenberg already happened in 2014. In August, the parents will leave the breeding area, accompanied by their young, and together they will migrate to Italy during September. At the wintering area, they will join their fellows from the breeding area Burghausen.
The aim of the breeding area Kuchl in context of the LIFE+ project is the establishment of an independent, migratory colony with 40+ individuals until the end of 2019.
During the breeding season, the breeding camp at Georgenberg/Kuchl may be visited any time.You can observe the birds raising their young, or foraging on the nearby grasslands.
Please keept your distance to the birds, don't lure them, don't feed them!
For further information please contact kuchl[at]waldrapp.eu or +43 (0) 660 50 33 511
(c) Waldrappteam
(c) Waldrappteam