Koordinaten: 47°46'46.7"N 9°08'06.7"E (location of the artificial breeding site, currently vacant until 2021).
The sandstone cliffs along of Lake Constance between Überlingen and Sipplingen are a historical breeding area. The natural nisches are still intact. During a habitat evaluation it was shown that there are enough areas for feeding. The site is also interesting because the migration corridor is on the western side of the alps. Also it is close to the Max Planck Institute for ornithology in Radolfzell and the Vogelwarte, both important scientific partners of the project.
2017 the first human led migration startet in Hödingen. He following year another human led migrations was successfully realized. The public attention was overwhelming.
2019the first subadult Northern Bald Ibis returned on its own from the Tuscany to Überlingen. The trainingscamp for the human-led migration started from Heiligenberg, to avoid any interference with the returning Northern Bald Ibisses. Also this years human led migration was a success.
2020 the first adult Northern Bald Ibises returned on their own. Due to COVID-19 all the plans had to be moved to 2021 including the human led migration. It was not possible to finish the breeding structure, therefore the arriving birds could not be managed and get used to the breeding site. Even though there is no breeding success the returned birds are spending their summer in that area to forage for food. We are excepting that the needed management for the colony will be possible for 2021.
This year the Northern Bald Ibis colony is breeding for the first time at the breeding wall between Goldbach and Hödingen. There the can be observed by raising their offspring.
Please keept your distance to the birds, don't lure them, don't feed them!
For further information please contact ueberlingen[at]waldrapp.eu or +49 (0) 1525 233 93 16
(c) Hilde Hof

(c) Rudolph Beck