Veterinary Meeting at Zoo Vienna
Newsletter 05/12/2016
From November 30 to December 01, a LIFE+ veterinary meeting, organized by the LIFE+ Northern Bald Ibis team and hosted by Zoo Vienna, took place. It was a quite mixed group: 25 people from 4 nations participated. Out of that, 12 were veterinaries, 12 were scientists (and partly also veterinaries) and nine were conservationists (and partly also scientists).
The workshop had two major aims: One was the networking of veterinaries who act in the context of the LIFE+ project as well as in the Spanish reintroduction project Proyecto eremita. The other aim was to present and discuss ongoing and projected research on physiology, endocrinology and genetics in Northern Bald Ibises.
Fifteen presentations covered a quite broad range of topics, like lead poisoning in birds, bird hunting, veterinary aspects of the NBI reintroduction program in southern Spain, telomere biology and methylation in birds, diagnostic imaging in NBIs or the stopover biology in birds.
On December 2, some of the participants visited the Owl- and Raptor Station Haringsee, headed by Dr. Hans Frey ( and the Wolf Science Center in Ernstbrunn (
Picture: Participants of the workshop at Zoo Vienna at the Northern Bald Ibis playground with the NBI aviary in the background.
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