Looking back on the HLM 2014
Newsletter, 11.09.2014
Waldrappteam LIFE + 12-BIO_AT_000143
The flight with the Bald Ibis: Successful human-led migration 2014 finalized
On September 4, a group of 14 Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) reached the southern Tuscany/Italy.
The juvenile birds followed two foster parents in microlight aircrafts from Salzburg/Austria over the Alps and the Apennines. At the wintering area Laguna di Orbetello, a WWF Oasi, the young birds met their free-living conspecifics; they now live independently as migratory birds. The flights of up to 301 km nonstop and up to an altitude of 2.450 m msl are an unmatched record performance. The journey was filmed by a TV team out of a helicopter. In addition, the flight paths of each bird were recorded by GPS data loggers, 85.000 position points per individual.
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